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Echelon: Surveillance techniques

Fri, 30 Jun 2000 10:30:00 GMT  Susanne Rieger, ZDNet Germany

Telecommunications security expert in Germany, Manfred Fink, tells
ZDNet exactly what individuals and companies have to fear from covert

ZDNet:How long have you known about Echelon?

Fink: Experts have known for years that we are systematically being
monitored. It's the first time, however, that the problem is being
perceived as a reality, now that the European Parliament and Deutscher
Bundestag -- German Parliament -- are getting involved.

What reasons lie behind the secrecy surrounding Echelon?

Fink: There are two reasons: on the one side, prosecutors have no
interest in having their entire operation laid out in the open. There
is no disclaimer. One simply doesn't say anything.

On the other side, any... German officials with the power to say
something has until now remained quiet in order to prevent putting any
inter-governmental projects at risk. The government didn't want to
jeopardise the NATO alliance. But both France and England have their
own spy satellites, as does China. This... weighs greatly upon EU

What kind of costs are associated with Echelon's activities?

Fink: The budget granted for these kinds of operations amount to
billions of dollars a year. Estimates as to how many people work for
the National Security Agency (NSA) vary between 140,000 and 170,000.
They of course employ only top people, the best mathematicians, used in
unimaginable hacking/calculus centres.

Hardware isn't an issue there either. Though secret services of this
sort have their own chip factories, it is only with "normal hardware"
and parallel switching from one to another that they obtain their
efficiency.  The real problem lies in the software. The text
recognition programmes used on office computers are simple waste
products of military programming. Imagine your phone socket has been
tapped with a control device. This means that each time you use that
line your call is monitored. But the real spying only comes into play
once a particular "hit-word" has been pronounced. The quantity of data
would simply be too large to cope with otherwise. As long as the system
is used in the fight against terrorism and frail regimes no one has a
problem with it. It is only criticised when it is used for industrial

What makes a person a target? Who is likely to be spied on?

Fink: There is a lot of abuse in the relationships between European
allies. Ordinary individuals are unlikely to be a target, but companies
will be. The size of the firm being targeted is relatively unimportant,
but international companies will be monitored no matter what.

Whether you own a small company of just 20 employees, have a specific
product that only you offer worldwide or have only one competitor who
sits in the US, you are bound to be of interest.

Is there anyway of knowing you are being monitored?

Fink: No.

To whom do you recommend the installation of high-tech security?

I recommend that all companies set up solid security. One must ask the
question: "Would it be serious if they got hold of a third of the
information in this communication?" Whoever replies "Yes" should make a
security decision.

If the secret services have such efficient hacking machines, does it
make any sense at all to use cryptography?

Fink: Information is perishable. If it takes months or years to obtain
it, it often loses its value. This is the absolute starting point for
defence: setting the threshold so high that the circumstances no longer
require the information to be obtained.

Is it true that the radiation generated by monitors can be picked up
and reproduced from as far as a hundred metres away?

Fink: Yes, whether it is a Word document with twelve point text font,
an Excel spreadsheet or a CAD-image, you can pick it up via the
monitor's radiation. Equipment to do this is available for DM250,000

To prevent this you can either shield your monitor and hard drive or
isolate entire rooms. This is how it is done in large calculus
centres.  Another method is to overwrite the emissions with a jamming
signal so that the receiver will see nothing but a snow flurry on the

Mobile phones must be easy to monitor. Is this true?

Fink: Mobile phones are actually better than we think. The air
interface to base station is quite safe unless you happen to be
standing opposite a news station. The rest runs on directional radio
and public networks.  These are indeed relatively easy to pick up.

Rumours from the US secret services claim there is a transantlantic
fibreglass cable that picks up and retrieves data. Is this a modern
fairy-tale or is it true?

Fink: No. In fact it's an entire underwater station held by cables made
of copper. Other than that, it's correct. I have seen photos of it and
these were no fakes.

When am I being careful and when am I being paranoid?

Fink: I would say that if you begin to assess yourself wrongly and miss
out on the things that really matter, then you're being over-careful.
One must not forget that the whole surveillance system is aimed at
fighting the worst cases of crime and terrorism. Private people are
then only of moderate interest.

Go to ZDNet's Echelon Special

Rupert Goodwins reckons we've allowed a state surveillance system to be
built that would be the envy of any dictator, and we've allowed it to
flourish unseen and uncontrolled. What we must do now is to start
building pressure for a wholesale reform of Echelon: not to shut it
down and render ourselves deaf to real threats but to improve its
efficiency and make it ours again, not the plaything of nameless
people. Go to AnchorDesk UK for the news comment

The British are keeping a stiff upper lip, the US simply avoid
mentioning it and the French believe it has been stealing secrets from
France for years. Go to the TalkBack
forum to tell us what you know and think about Echelon.

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