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     Your morning thought for today:
              The suburbs were discovered quite by
              accident when one day in the early
              1940's a Welcome Wagon lady got lost.
                                 -- Erma Bombeck

     Today Bob Perks offers us An Award Winning Heartwarmer.  Thanks, Bob,
for your wonderful contribution.  We're sure you'll be hearing from many of
our Heartwarmer members from around the world after reading your touching
and poignant story.


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                 * An Award Winning Heartwarmer *


     "Who is responsible for this?" the pastor asked.  "I can't believe
that no one has taken care of it.  I have been getting phone calls for two
days.  I didn't know what to tell them."
     For longer than anyone can remember the old Gospel Church atop the
hill in Reddington Valley served as a beacon for those who were lost.  Not
just spiritually but even as a landmark for giving directions.
     "Turn down Main Street and head toward the brightest star in the sky.
You can't miss it," a traveler would hear.
     You see, on top of the old church steeple was a big bright star.  It
was all one piece and lighted by a huge light bulb.  They actually had
placed it up there as part of a Christmas display and never took it down.
     But two days ago the bulb burned out.
     The entire town was lost without it.  It seemed that the locals were
all turned about at night.  The confusion started when someone passing
through happened to stop the mayor to ask for directions.
     "I looked up and pointed to the star.  It wasn't there.  Thinking I
was facing the wrong way, I turned around looking for it but couldn't find
it," he said.  "I think that guy is still riding around town."
     Soon the phone started ringing at the old Gospel Church.  People
wanted to know what happened.  The problem was even the Pastor didn't know.
That star was just always there.  He had no idea who kept it lit or where
the light bulbs were.  That is, until the phone rang late that afternoon.
     "Pastor, I'm hoping you can help us," the man said.  "This is Police
Chief Robertson.  We just got back from the Delaney house.  We found old
Jim Delaney dead.  It seems he's been dead about two days."
     "I'm sorry.  I must tell you that I'm not familiar with the man," the
Pastor said.
     "No one seems to be," the Chief replied.  "There are no known
relatives or friends available."
     "Well, if it's a burial service you are looking for, I'd be pleased to
do it," said the Pastor.
     "That would be great.  But there is something else.  I'd like for you
to come by in about an hour if you can.  The house is up the dirt road on
Bishop's Hill across the valley from your church."
     "I'll be there," he replied.
     The Pastor arrived just as Chief Robertson pulled in.  "What is it you
wanted me to see, Chief?"
     "Come inside.  I think you'll need this stuff."
     As they entered the home you could see stacks of unopened mail along
with various books scattered about.
     "Over here, Pastor.  I believe this is for you."
     There on the mantle of the fireplace was a box with a small white
envelope attached.  It said "From the star keeper to The Gospel Church".
The note inside it read:

           To whom it may concern:
                 Back in 1950 my beautiful wife Mildred became
           ill.  We could not afford to place her in a home so for
           her remaining months on this earth, I took care of
           her.  Before her illness she attended your church
           every Sunday.  It was so very frustrating for her
           not to be able to, once she got sick.  But every
           Sunday I would position her on the front porch so
           that she could see the church across the valley.
                 It was that Christmas someone placed a star
           on the steeple.  Every night Mildred would say her
           prayers while gazing out at that star.  I had just
           pushed her chair over to the window that night.
           She was barely able to breathe.  As I pulled the
           shade up I heard her quietly say, "The star.  The
           star is gone."  As I turned around she slumped
           over with one last sigh.  The star indeed was not
           lit that night.
                 After her burial I approached the Pastor and
           made a deal with him.  I agreed to keep the star lit
           for as long as I am alive as a memorial to my wife.
           So many people had loved that image during the
           holidays that he agreed to it.
                 I am near my journey's end.  The church can
           sell my property and all I own in exchange for a
           favor.  I have provided enough light bulbs in this
           box to keep the star lit a few more years.  The
           key to the church door is inside this envelope.
           Please find someone who can take on the task
           of keeping the star lit after my death.  I loved
           my wife so very much.  I want that star to serve
           as an example of what love can be.
                You can say you love someone, but it's not
           until you show it, that love is made visible.
                                           -- Jim Delaney

     "When did you say he died, Chief?"
     "Two days ago according to the coroner."
     "That's when the star burned out, Chief."
     The pastor looked down for a moment, then looked back up,
     "Consider it done, Mr. Delaney," said the Pastor.  "Consider it done!"

             -- by Bob Perks     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bob Perks is famous for his "I believe in YOU!" saying.  He is a
professional speaker and author.  You can visit his website at
http://www.BobPerks.com   We encourage you to check out other stories from
Bob Perks at this convenient Themestream website:
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     Do you have a Heartwarmer story inside you waiting to be told?  Here's
your chance.  On the heels of the success of our first book, our publisher
has set the wheels in motion for a second Heartwarmers book.  If you have
an original story of love, romance or friendship, we'd love to see it.
Please visit the website below for details and instructions on how to
submit your story via email to editor, Azriela Jaffe.
Go to: http://heartwarmers.com/newbooks.html


     The large tree stood perfectly motionless, even though the wind was
blowing through its outstretched arms at more than thirty miles per hour.
Its tired limbs sagging a bit, stripped of leaves and its bark slowly
peeling away near the bottom of the tree, as thousands of insects ate away
at the heart of the once beautiful giant.
     As I was leaving Canada to head back to the United States, after
attending the Heartwarmers Conference, I walked up to the tree when I
noticed that someone had driven ten or eleven nails into its trunk.  All
the way home I thought about that tree and it made me realize something
very important about human beings.  If only ten small nails could kill such
a large beautiful tree, how many nails have we driven into our fellow-man
over the years?  How many little nails have we unintentionally driven into
our children, and our friends causing their leaves to become weathered and
their mighty limbs to droop.
     The shock for me was when I realized that it was not really the nails
that killed the tree at all.  It was that big hammer that they chose to use
in order to drive the nails in.
     Starting today I will still continue to carry a nail or two.  It is
the hammer that I have chosen to throw away.

     -- Roger Dean Kiser, Sr.   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

You can read the speech Roger delivered at the Heartwarmers Conference at:
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Grace says:  When Logan, 5, came home from church her mother asked her what
she had learned in Sunday school.  Logan thought for a minute and replied,
"I learned that when Lisa's mom is alone she dances in her underwear!"
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