----- Original Message -----
From: "Dwayne Parsons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Found your request on Editor's Choice. I'm a professional
> avid reader and believe in audiobooks. Spend a lot of time
> across rural Montana. What's your terms? Can you be more
> if your need still exists. I'm capable and interested and have
> numerous book reviews from print.

Our need does still exist. Should you be chosen for this
seven-month term assignment, your recurring task would be to pick
up 50 - 75 units of audiobook in Eagle Pass, Texas and upon
review of the each audiobook's quality, deliver them to a ranch
in Corralitos, California.

You will be paid with e-gold, at a value of $2900 per successful

If you are still interested, please submit a more detailed resume
and references.

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