The following commentary ran today on WorldNetDaily and can be viewed at

"We're from the Government, and We're Here to Improve Your Software"

         by Harry Browne

In the 1960s, we had by far the best health-care system in the world.

Health insurance was available to anyone, young or old, even those with
pre-existing medical problems. Doctors made house calls, and a hospital stay
for an appendectomy or other routine operation cost the equivalent of only a
week or two of one's income. Every city had free clinics and charity
hospitals that took care of those who were short of money.

Then the politicians said, "We're from the government and we're going to
improve your health care."

The federal government jumped in with Medicare, Medicaid, the HMO Act, and
tens of thousands of regulations. Thirty years later, government now spends
half of all the health-care dollars in America, and we can see how well the
politicians have helped us:

* Doctors no longer make house calls and their waiting rooms
   look like Grand Central Station.

* Charity hospitals have disappeared, and a routine operation
   can cost as much as a year's pay.

* Health insurance has been priced out of the market for those
   in their 20s or 30s, and people with special medical problems
   must rely on the government for insurance.

* Senior citizens now pay from their own pockets at least twice
   as much for health care as they did before Medicare began --
   even after allowing for Medicare's contribution and after adjusting
   for inflation. And if they need a medical procedure that isn't
   approved by Medicare, they're plain out of luck.

Similar disasters have flowed from government intrusions into education,
charity, farming, and many other areas of society. The War on Poverty has
escalated poverty in America. The War on Drugs has expanded drug use and
produced the worst crime wave in the history of America.

     Computers & Politicians

Now the government is going to apply this same expertise to your computer

The computer industry is the most dynamic area of the American economy.
Prices have dropped to tiny fractions of where they were just five or ten
years ago. Hardware and software today do things we might have considered
science-fiction only a decade ago. And innovation is greater than in any
other American industry -- as new companies, new products, and new
technologies spring up almost every day.

So now the Justice Department and Judge Thomas Jackson are saying, "We're
from the government, and we're going to improve your software."

Various shills for the government are saying things like "This will unleash
a more innovative environment" or "Now the market is truly competitive and
prices can drop." Where have these shills been living the past 10 years?

Ken Wasch, President of the Software & Industry Association, located (where
else?) in Washington, D.C., actually told _USA Today_ (June 8, page 2A) that
he envisions "a wave of new software companies that will develop programs
for word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and e-mail." Can you imagine a
President of a software association who isn't aware of WordPerfect, Lotus
1-2-3, Oracle, Eudora Pro, FileMaker, or any of the other successful
Microsoft competitors already in the market?

The PBS News Hour interviewed four "experts" -- each of whom said that
breaking up Microsoft will not only benefit consumers, but that _Microsoft_
will be better off. Since these people seem to know more about running a
computer company than Bill Gates does, you can imagine how rich they must

     Who Should Make the Decisions?

Even if every charge of meanness, predatory practices, and manipulation
against Microsoft were true, that wouldn't endow politicians with the
ability to know what you need. And that's the central issue in the Microsoft

     Do the politicians know what's best for you to buy?
     Or should you make those decisions for yourself?

If the latter, you can simply refuse to buy Microsoft products if you don't
like them or you don't like Bill Gates. But if you think the politicians
know best, you're saying you trust people like Janet Reno, Bill Clinton,
Orrin Hatch, Al Gore, George W. Bush, Jesse Helms, and Teddy Kennedy to make
the right decisions about your personal and business life.

In that case, I pity you.

If Microsoft is broken up, it will be the start of a trend in which
politicians, rather than entrepreneurs, decide what choices you can have.
And we can look forward to a future in which a typical personal computer
will cost $5,000 instead of $1,000, when software innovation will be
stagnant, and the entire computer industry will resemble today's health-care

And school teachers will be telling children that the government saved
consumers from big bad Microsoft -- just the way the government saved people
from that awful Standard Oil a hundred years ago.

Of course, they won't mention the price cuts and innovation that were the
rule before government started running the computer business -- just as
today's teachers don't mention that oil prices were plummeting, providing
low-cost fuel to nearly everyone, until the government broke up Standard


Harry Browne was the Libertarian candidate for president in 1996. He is
currently seeking the Libertarian nomination again for 2000. Commentaries on
other topics may be found on his web site at

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