If you are still looking for that realistic financial
opportunity, this might interest you. If not, please 
see the end of this email for removal instructions.

Fellow entrepreneur:

For the first time ever, I have received a piece of email
that actually delivered more than just empty promises.

I assure you, you can earn over $21K+ each month
on a ten dollar budget, at home, in your spare time,
and without sending cash in the mail to strangers for
recipes or any of the usual nonsense!

My name is Graham.  I am a 25 year old
full-time Information Service Officer, and 
football season ticket holder, so as you can probably
see, I am a pretty busy man and don't have much time 
for idle chit chat and surfing the net.

Normally, I use my account to work from home and I
don't play around, but after receiving what I assumed was
the same e-mail on numerous occasions and deleting it
each time, I finally read it because of the catchy subject
line and it was so REAL, it gave me goose bumps!

And it wasn't one of those corny "send money in the
mail to strangers" schemes that I had seen before!
Everyone knows people just take your name off the
list and steal your money in those things.

This one was entirely different, and it was so EASY!

I tried to put it out of my head, but later that evening it
was all I could think of.

When I went to bed that night, I couldn't sleep.

I tossed and turned, counted sheep, and by 4:00AM,
I finally had enough!

I had to do this!

I thought, if I can waste forty dollars a month on cable
TV, I can certainly afford to budget $10 for something
that will certainly put REAL MONEY in the bank!

I promptly got started and put to use the resources that
were at my disposal to market this amazing program.
( I was given a ton of great tools to build any business with.)

Within 10 days I already had my first nine subscribers!

I knew this was the part time opportunity that I had been
looking for.

I promise you, if you set aside a little time each day to
send this personal email and a follow up letter to only
those who ask you for more info, you will make at least
as much money as we are.

You don't need to know anything about computers, the
net, business, or anything. I'm telling you this is easy!

SERIOUSLY!  If you would like to quickly build a $21,000+
monthly income and your budget can afford the small $10
month investment, and you can send an e-mail message
then you are on your way to the bank.

This is positively the best money making opportunity ever!

You may be skeptical. After all, you've probably been led
by friends, family, and the media to believe that everything
that doesn't take 40 + hours of your time each week or
involve a hefty financial investment either doesn't work or
is a scam.

I used to feel exactly the same way, however, since trying
this system myself, I have found that I was listening to the
wrong people.

I can only ask you one question.

Are you getting your information from millionaires and
successful entrepreneurs or are you taking advice of people
in the same (or worse) financial shape as yourself?

The 20th Century is now at an end. Now we are in the new 
Millenium, you can either think to yourself you are
just a bit older or you can decide to be well on your way
to financial freedom. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

Take advantage of this opportunity while the economy
is strong and people are spending.

The good times can't last forever, and when the next
recession hits and everyone's broke it's too late to
change your financial situation.

This will produce results, but you can't make a dime
with this...................until you get started yourself!

Your destiny awaits so Get Started Now!


Graham Hopkins


If you would like the details on this explosive new
money making opportunity, email me at the address
below and put the word "entrepreneur" in the subject
line and I will rush you this exciting info!

Graham Hopkins  

Subject = entrepreneur

or click here:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=entrepreneur

I don't use an autoresponder; I will get back to 
you just as soon as I can. Thanks so much!
If you want to be removed from any future
mailings, reply to this letter with REMOVE 
as the subject. Thanks!

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