>On Monday 08 January 2001 16:09, John Young wrote:
>>   You are also commanded to bring with you the following
>>   document(s) or object(s):
>>   Please provide any and all documents, papers, letters, computer
>>   disks, photographs, notes, objects, information, or other items
>>   in your possession or under your control, including electronically
>>   stored or computer records, which:
>>     1. Name, mention, describe, discuss, involve or relate to James
>>     Dalton Bell, a/k/a Jim Bell, or
>>     2.  Were previously possessed, owned, created, sent by, transported,
>>     or oftherwise affiliated with James Dalton Bell, a/k/a Jim Bell, or
>How would you know if it was sent by him unless it had a digital signature
>that you are willing to testify in court was know to belong to him and
>had not been comprimised?

I'd think there'd be serious problems with most of the evidence
in this case being hearsay, except stuff specifically
posted by Jim Bell.
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