At 12:54 PM -0500 1/10/01, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>[Jim sent me the below message directly without any indication that 
>it was also sent to the list. But from past experience, I know 
>better. Another example of not-quite-adequate Choatian social norms.]
>Anyway, Jim is conflating physical control over an instantiation of 
>IP with the rights conferred by IP law. If someone copies Microsoft 
>Word (or a Tom Clancy novel) onto a CDROM and gives it to me, I am 
>not liable.
>At 11:36 AM 1/10/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
>>  > (Hint: U.S. copyright law does not make mere possession or archiving
>>>  an offense. Try distribution, performance, etc.)
>>Hint: WRONG.
>>Simply possessing a paperback book that has had its cover removed as a
>>sign of 'destroyed' status is in fact a crime. Used book stores that have
>>them in stock can be charged accordingly.

So, if I tear the cover off of a paperback book that I legally own 
(bought, for example), Choate's claim is that this "is in fact a 

Gee, so much for scienter. So much for proof of actual criminal 
action. So much for tort law.

Jim, please call the police, as I have just torn the cover off of a 
book I own. Worse, I just cut the tags off of a mattress. Call before 
I commit more crimes.

Fucking retard.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

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