On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:22:52PM -0500, John Young wrote:
> The full story of crypto is yet to be written, in particular its
> deceptions, perhaps a piece by Vin McLelland, one by
> Declan, one by Tim May, if not by distributed cyperhpunks 
> not quite so malleable as solo individuals given privileged
> access on the condition that . . .

True. As a journalist, I do my best to avoid those conditions. I think
of them (probably not an original thought) as entangling alliances.

I could easily cobble together a book proposal that would include
chapters by cypherpunk types; I'd edit. I've been thinking of writing
a book for a while -- even had meetings with publishers in '96 -- but
it would take too much time. Editing would be far easier.

> What about that timing of CRYPTO release and the NSA
> show?

Ah, it was a lackluster show and not that important.


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