At 7:45 AM -0600 1/12/01, Jim Choate wrote:
>Go back to the archives and you will find Tim May claiming that ANY HK
>rifle with *3 (eg 93 or G3) is a .223 whereas the *1's (eg 91) are .308.
>When in fact the '3 means .223' applied ONLY to the '90' (ie 91 or 93)
>class weapons. The reality (which Tim never admited either) is that a G3
>IS in fact a 91, or the other way around if you prefer historical
>lineage. The G3 was the mil-spec and the 91 was the civilian clone. But
>hey, since when was Tim interested in FACTS? Never.

Nonsense. I have known what a 91 and a 93 (and a 94) were for many 
years. Almost bought a 91 in 1975, _did_ buy a clone.

You still haven't responded to what I sent out after my own search of 
the archives:

At 8:51 AM -0700 12/23/97, Jim Choate wrote:
>Forwarded message:
>>  Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 01:08:04 -0700
>>  From: Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  Subject: Re: Best Cypherpunk long gun (fwd)
>>   I can't agree that the HK 91 (the .308 version) is a popular sniper
>>  weapon.
>Military and police snipers the world over differ strongly with you...
>Beside, it's the 93/G3 not the 91 (thought they do share a lot of commen base
>pieces) that is the sniper rifle. I believe you will also find that the .308
>is the base caliber for all versions. Your wording above would indicate the
>91 was .308 while the 93 was a different caliber, this is incorrect. Visit
>the H&K home page...

This speaks for itself, especially:

"Your wording above would indicate the
91 was .308 while the 93 was a different caliber, this is incorrect"

In fact, the 91 *is* a .308 and the 93 *is* a different caliber.

Do you still dispute this?

>He went on and on about the '3 means .223' and that this applied to ALL
>HK weapons.

I said no such thing. Please produce the message.

>Tim's general approach (Declan's as well) is "if they disagree with me
>they must be stupid". What you'll find is Tim making argument after
>argument but he never defends them.

Actually, many of us have wasted far more time on your crankish ideas 
than they deserve.

>Come on Tim, show us the email wher I (not you) claim Gauss's Law doesn't
>apply? Show us the email where I (not you) claim the G3 is not .308.

For example, your claim: "Beside, it's the 93/G3 not the 91 (thought 
they do share a lot of commen base pieces) that is the sniper rifle."

The 93 is a .223, not a .308, and it is _not_ the sniper rifle. 
Further, your phrase "G3 not the 91" shows your basic confusion. The 
G3 is the military version of the 91, not of the 93.

Trivial points, in some sense, but deeply illustrative of your mania 
for stating something that is incorrect and then never admitting your 
mistake, even years later.

Which is why even your co-workers acknowledge your crankishness.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May         [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

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