On Thursday 18 January 2001 10:15, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> Quite right. Ashcroft is objectionable, as is any candidate George W.
> would propose, but he is arguably less objectionable than Reno.
> Here's what he said yesterday about Microsoft:
> http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,41264,00.html

To all the people who find Ashcroft objectionable, let me concur
with Declan that there is no one they will not find objectionable.
In my opinion, anyone that doesn't burn little children in their
churches is at least an order of magnitude better than Janet

I'd also like to point out that anything he says in the confirmation
hearings is likely to be whatever he thinks the questioner wants to

He will whisper sweet nothings into Dianne Feinstein's ear about his
new plans for the fascist state if he thinks it will turn Feinswein's

Do you really think Feinswein will vote for him?

Who cares.  Nothing short of a libertarian (small l) renessaince will
stop the tide of fascism that continues to reverberate through our body
politic.  Someone needs to register www.slavestate.org and have a
real time track of the level of subjugation on this land of ours.
(Hint: The DEA wants to put people in prison for possessing hemp soap.  Its
totally out of control.)


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