Declan writes:

> It's important for cypherpunks to understand why Seth Finkelstein has 
> (apparently) recently subscribed to the list. Seth is essentially an 
> anti-cypherpunk, someone who violently disagrees with free-market points of 
> view and has spent (a conservative estimate) hundreds of hours arguing 
> against them.

Thanks, Declan.  I think we've all figured that out by now.
"Libertarians are people who think the only legitimate function
 of police is to protect them from their slaves."
                                            --Lots of People

Most people get sucked into Libertarianism because it sounds like the word
"liberty."  After learning more about it, and meeting real Libertarians,
they go "Icky-Poo" and run swiftly in the opposite direction.

Libertarians don't mind this, because most of them also feel the exact
same way about other Libertarians.

Libertarian "philosophy" provides no mechanism whatsoever for arguing that
there can't, for instance, be a death penalty.  Or that "child abuse"
should be defined by anything other than what the majority of non-children
think it is ok to do to kids.

I doubt you'll see any Libertarians protesting either when Sally Mann and
Jock Sturges are hauled off to the Sex Offender Re-Education Camp either.  
In fact, Libertarians are real good at letting everyone have whatever
rights they can personally defend, without anyone else lifting a finger.

Foo on Libertarians.  I have no use for them.  Can you imagine what
Libertarian foreign policy would look like, or a Libertarian space

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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