At 10:59 PM 4/22/01 -0400, Phillip H. Zakas wrote:
>1.  I believe firmly in individual rights and in the right to due
>and equal protection under the law.  i also believe these rights apply
>to -anyone- outside of the united states, even if that person is not a
>citizen, when being investigated by us leas.

Good start.

>2.  I pointed out the irony that bell himself, in his AP, offered no
>rights at all.

Where in AP does Bell discuss *rights* at all?

He described how to bang two rocks together to make an arrowhead,
not the ethics of meat eating.

>3.  I disagree with bell's AP and his personal indiscretions for which
>has been tried to the very core of my soul...but i personally would
>resort to an AP-style system of justice as bell advocated...i prefer
>#1 above.

So if you lived in a place without #1 being reliably protected by the
taxes you're forced to pay, you would not voluntarily contribute to a
system that tried to eliminate the worst of the uncontrolled nasties?

Not very responsible of you.

Perhaps you're an american and can't imagine such a place?

If you have too many people you can't lose by starting a war:
either you win new land for your extra people or you lose the extra
people. -R Bell

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