Perhaps a suicide but if so it was induced by Kelly's treatment,
not only by the goofus members of parliament, but more likely
by the Ministry of Defence threatening to punish him for violation
of the draconian Official Secrets Act.

The Brits for all their admirable humor about vulgarity -- the new
GCHQ called a "gaping anus" -- can be vile sonsofbitches
when it comes to demanding obedience to authority, with the
OSA a prime weapon to assure proper behavior or else. Beyond
that there can be truly devastating social outcast penalties,
and the worst of all, blackest of humor, withholding royal honors.

Too bad the British realm never had to experience the cleansing
guillotine -- by the populace not by the authorities.

Due to that lack, and the USA's similar lack of final justice, pea-brained
officials can get away with official murder, destruction of lives, lying
and cheating for personal gain while holding office, or best, after
leaving office.

Foster's "suicide" for the Clintons, like Kelly's, is a sign that the
time is ever ripe to execute the Tim May Final Option in lieu of
believing what appears in the media, is told to surviving families,
is joked about in the private clubs of capitals around the globe.

At least the Reds owned up to their ideological perfidy, unlike
those who truly believe in superiority, that is those who best
represent inferior humans.

No wonder the sonsofbitches fear assassination politics, not
just the Jim Bell laughable version, the hard-eyed kind that
comes in the night without warning.

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