On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> >Where do these ridiculous ideas come from ?  If I own a piece of
> private
> >property, like an airplane (or an entire airline) for instance, I can
> >impose whatever senseless and arbitrary conditions on your use of it as
> I
> >please.
> Yes.
> Except that you entered into a contract to transport a human in exchange
> for money.  No where in the contract was "banned speech" mentioned.

If there are no provisions whatever for discretionary removal, then BA was
wrong to remove Gilmore - they broke their agreement.  However, I'll bet
if you read _all_ the fine print, somewhere there exists in the
contract/agreement a provision for just that.

John Kozubik - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.kozubik.com

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