At 07:11 PM 6/22/00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >(Not to say that Linux doesn't have some advantages, obviously.
> >
> > The main advantage the Linux has in this regard is that the "average user"
> > cannot modify system binaries.  This makes worms of this sort more
> > difficult to perpetuate. Unfortunatly, there are few usable e-mail clients
> > (as far as I am concerned) on Linux.  (If there was a port of Eudora under
> > Linux, I would not be using windows at home for anything other than games.)
>Have you tried Kmail from the KDE project or Balsa from the GNOME project

I looked at KMail and it did not do all of what I needed.  (But that was a 
while ago. I have a current copy and will look into it again.) Mahogany 
looks *QUITE* interesting though.  If it can deal with the weirdnesses I 
need for mail (like complex filters, multiple accounts, and a good spell 
checker), I will be switching over to it.

>If it doesn't need to be graphical then you might want to look at mutt, i
>have a friend who uses that wont shut up about how wonderful it is.

I have tried to use Mutt, but I was not that impressed with it. Maybe I am 
missing something there, as I have had friends rave about it as well.

>I found them to be quite good mail clients in the Eudora mail client

At work,  use EXMH.  It is usable, but not something I would try and train 
my wife to use.

>I just use pine thought, it seems to be immune to most problems simply
>becasue it doesn't do anything fancy.

I like Pine as well.   use it quite a bit.  (One of the reasons I want to 
move away from EXMH at work is that slocal breaks the mailbox and Pine 
chokes on it.)

|             Terrorists - The Boogiemen for a new Millennium.           |
|"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer:         |
| mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!"  | Ignore the man      |
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