My god - you've hit on something here!  Thank you, I forgot - everyone IS that way on 
the list.  Just more so now.  It's kind of like the guys in the inner city, they're 
always tough -insulting and challenging in in a way that's both threatening and 
jocular at the same time- on each other and you either have to harden to it and 
develop the skills for handling that particular kind of repartee and hold your own, or 
you are shunned from the social group.  It's a way of bonding together and excluding 

No, I'm not new to the list.  And I'm not worried about it.  But I definitely detect a 
heightened level of anxiety in the posts.

>On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 04:37:36PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Everyone is acting like a bunch of assholes, snotty know-it-alls,
>So you're new to the list?

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