> > "Built-in crypto" is a big overstatement for OpenBSD.  Unfortunately,
> > Win 2000 has more built-in crypto than OpenBSD does.  Hint: Try to
> > create an encrypted FS on OpenBSD.  Now try on Windows 2000.
> You trust Win2k's encryption? Are you CRAZY?

No and no.

> You're trusting a closed source product to do what it advertizes to do,
> every time? And does do encrypt the swap, does it? Excuse me -- professes
> to do.

I didn't say I trust it.  I just said it's there, and it isn't there
in OpenBSD.  Why doesn't OpenBSD support such a basic thing as an
encrypted FS?  There's encryption built-in everywhere else except the
one place which makes all the difference if the machine itself is

I think there are Two Great Encryption Tabboos: Encrypted voice and
encrypted FS.  I would like to see OpenBSD support the encrypted FS in
its default kernel, thus making it the first OS with such a feature (I
don't count hacks such as loopback FS).

> Thanks for wetting my keyboard with beer via nasal passage.

Beer is precious.  Don't waste it on your keyboard.

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