A couple of corrections from somebody who began studying this threat
fifteen years ago.

There is little danger to weapons builders from exposure to fissile
materials, because they have very little spontaneous radioactivity. The
radioactive emissions come when the device goes supercritical during
detonation. You can actually hold a subcritical mass of plutonium in
your hand for awhile - I'm told it feels warm. Can't say I've tried it

Plans for a nuclear device are easy enough to come up with - college
kids regularly cause silly-season sensations by publishing "plans" for
hydrogen bombs. You can't classify the basic physics, and the data for
controlled nuclear reactions is equally applicable to deliberate
fast-prompt-critical runaways, which is what nuclear bombs are. What's
difficult is not the material, or the material processing, but the
detonator TECHNOLOGY. Even that is not a problem if you have LOTS of
U-235 or U-233 (plutonium won't work), because you can than use a
gun-type device - very heavy and wasteful of material, but workable as
proven by Hiroshima's fate.

An implosion device (and only an implosion device can be made small)
requires the simultaneous (to within microseconds) detonation of perhaps
32 composite shaped charges surrounding a spherical "core" and tamper
shell. The manufacture of the charges is very demanding, but the
manufacture of the detonators and switches (Krytrons) is the province of
maybe four or five firms in the entire world, all carefully monitored by
their respective governments. With a full set of _Exploding Wires_, lots
of time and extensive manufacturing support, you could eventually get a
set of krytrons with the necessary specs. Judging by the number of
recent attempts to smuggle krytrons from established sources, however,
this has not yet been accomplished by Saddam, Bin Laden or any of their

I'm not losing any sleep over this "threat."

Marc de Piolenc

"!Dr. Joe Baptista" wrote:
> One thing that is bothering me these days are all the reports coming out
> of Afganistan that nuclear bomb making plans were found.  Big
> deal.  Anyone on the planet can make a nuclear device if they have the
> appropriate materials.  The hard part is staying alive due to exposure
> while manufacturing the device.
> If however death is not an issue then the process itself becomes easy to
> accomplish.
> Materials
> ---------
>  4 stainless steal salad bowls (5 - 8 inch diameter)
> 10 pounds of U-235 (Plutonium)
>  1 containment cylinder in which to fit the salad bowls
>  ? some explosives - C4 platic works best - but TNT or gun powder is
> acceptable.
> Assembly
> --------
> 10 pounds of U-235 is required to achive critical mass.  However less will
> work but you will get a sub critical mass on detonation.  The difference
> is taking out an entire city as opposed to a few city blocks.
> Divide the U-235 into two five pound masses.  Beat it evenly into the
> inside of one of your salad bowls.  U-235 is malleable like gold so you
> should have no problem shaping it.  Do the same with the other U-235 mass
> and shape it into the other salad bowl.
> Keep the two bowls apart - you don't want an accident to cause your
> project to go critical.
> C4 explosives work best.  You simply mold the C4 into the other two salad
> bowls.  This is the most dangerous part of the project.  Improper handling
> of C4 can cause an explosion.  But gun powder is just as effective.
> Now fit the U-235 salad bowls into the C4 salad bowls and place them at
> each end of the cylindrical containment.  Connect your explosives to a
> detonator and close off the ends of the cylynder.  Make sure the detonator
> sets off both explosives at the same time.
> The trick is to bring the U-235 masses together at the same time.
> And thats it.  I would recommend some form of protection while building
> the project.  The aprons worn by dentists will work.  They will protect
> you to some degree from radioactive poisoning.  However - your life is
> only being prolonged by taking such measures - you still will end up dead
> due to the U-235 radiation regardless of what you do.
> And thats it.
> Conclusion
> ----------
> Anyone on this planet can build a nuclear device.  So the only issue in
> building the device is the will to die for a cause.  And the only thing I
> find unfortunate in all of this is that there are so many causes that
> people are willing to die for.  And war will not make those reasons go
> away - it will only encourage them.
> regards
> joe baptista
> --
> Joe Baptista
> http://www.dot-god.com/
> The dot.GOD Registry, Limited
> The Executive Plaza, Suite 908
> 150 West 51st Street                     Tel: 1 (208) 330-4173
> Manhattan Island NYC 10019 USA           Fax: 1 (208) 293-9773

Remember September 11, 2001 but don't forget July 4, 1776

Rather than make war on the American people and their
liberties, ...Congress should be looking for ways
to empower them to protect themselves when

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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