> >From: "coretta fontenot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >How can I make an explosive? its cause that's my science project
> >
> It's a fairly simple process really.

I have an even simpler process:

1. Go to the supermarket.  You will need the following it: Five large
   cans of refried beans, a piece of cheesecloth, and a cigarette
   lighter or some long matches.

2. Eat the beans.  All of them.

3. After a sufficient quantity of explosive gas has formed, moisten
   the cheesecloth.

4. Remove your outer and underwear.

5. Lay on your back, and drape the wet cheesecloth (don't forget, it
   needs to be wet!) in such a way as to protect yourself from fiery
   harm.  With the other hand, hold the lighter and ignite the gas as
   you release it.

6. You have created an explosion!

The Cypherpunks is always a helpful list!

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