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Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 16:16:22 -0800
From: Nora Callahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nov-L: Prosecutors rule Rainbow Farm Deaths justified

January 07, 2002

Prosecutor: Police Acted Properly
CASSOPOLIS, Mich. (AP) - The FBI and Michigan State Police were
justified when they shot and killed two men at a campground known
for its advocacy of marijuana use, a prosecutor said in a report
released Monday.

The standoff at Rainbow Farm began Aug. 31 when Tom Crosslin, 46,
skipped a court date relating to drug and weapons charges and
allegedly set fire to buildings on his farm, which High Times
magazine once rated one of the nation's premier marijuana-smoking

Cass County Sheriff's deputies arrived and surrounded the farm,
and were joined later by the FBI and Michigan State Police.

Three days after the standoff began and negotiations had failed,
Crosslin left the farm's main house, armed with a rifle, to get
food and supplies from a neighbor's farm.

On his way back to his house, he spotted an agent in the woods and
raised his rifle, Cass County Prosecutor Scott Teter said. Two
agents fired at Crosslin, killing him.

Rolland Rohm, 28, who was Crosslin's business partner, remained in
the main house. The next morning, after Rohm had agreed to
surrender, the main house began burning, Teter said.

Thirty minutes later, Rohm ran out of the house carrying a rifle
and wearing black face paint. Teter said Rohm spotted a Michigan
National Guard light armored vehicle and pointed his rifle at two

Two Michigan State Police snipers nearby in the woods fired at
Rohm and killed him.

In both cases, Teter said, the shooters were protecting themselves
or others.

The Rohm and Crosslin families said through a spokesman Monday
that they rejected the findings.

"We think that Teter is playing fast and loose with the truth,"
spokesman Bill McMaster said. "There are two unexplained homicides
caused by 120 police with snipers, tanks and helicopters."

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