Matthew X wrote:
> Global Eye -- Death Merchants
> By Chris Floyd
> Each day, one turns to the latest news from the bowels of the Bush Regime
> with Dorothy Parker's immortal words sounding in the mind like a tocsin:
> "What fresh hell is this?"

> Ever since he seized office, Bush has taken every opportunity to derail or
> destroy UN efforts to provide reproductive health services to the world's
> poorest women. 

For "reproductive health services" read "forced abortion." That's what
the UN is purveying, and one of the few foreign policy decisions of this
administration that I agree with is cutting off the UN popucrats.

My wife is the victim of a mid-nineties US-endorsed, UN-sponsored
"vaccination" program that sterilized thousands of women in three
countries without their knowledge or consent (my wife had to show a
"tetanus" vaccination certificate to claim her salary as a teacher). If
opposing this kind of soft-pedal genocide is religious extremism, then I
guess this atheist is a religious extremist.

Marc de Piolenc

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