Translated by ASEJ/ACERCA
From La Prensa, Panama 1/21/03

Fear and Pain in Paya, Attack Leaves Four Dead

Four Kuna indigenous authorities were assassinated this weekend
and two US and one Canadian reporter were kidnapped by a Colombian
paramilitary group that attacked the villages of Paya and Pucuro, in the
Darien, this past weekend.
A group of 150 paramilitaries assassinated the leaders of the
Kuna Paya village Ernesto Ayala, mayor; San Pascual Ayala, second mayor,
and Luis Enrique Mart**nez, village commissioner. One of the US reporters
is Robert Pelton of the Discovery Channel.

According to local witness Luis Caicedo, "We found three corpses
chopped up by machetes with bullets in their head in the mountains so we
couldn't take the corpses back because the land was still being guarded
by the paramilitaries."

Gilberto Vasquez, mayor of Vasquez, was also murdered. His body
was found with a bullet in the back of his head inside his house in the

This same paramilitary brigade had captured, just hours before,
the US Discovery Channel reporter Robert Pelton and two other reporters,
Marc Wedever of Canada, and another US journalist that is unidentified.

Migdonio Batista, a correspondent for the radio station Voices
without Borders of the Darien, who resides in Paya indicated that the
paramilitaries, in addition to killing the village authorities, robbed
all of the belongings of the only radio station office in the village.
He also said that the armed paramilitaries robbed the chickens, ducks
and pigs and murdered the dogs. Upon leaving the village they dropped
explosives in local trucks so that they could get away without being

Another resident, Victor Maritinez, explained that since last
Saturday afternoon, when they were attacked by the Colombian
paramilitaries, the residents have not eaten anything and have only
drank water from the river. Also, as of 48 hours after the weekends
murders the National Police had not arrived with any help or protection.
The "Prensa" newspaper confirmed that as of two days after the attack
there was still no response from the border patrol.

Isidro Ayala, whose father was assassinated in this attack,
explained that the indigenous had to confront the paramilitaries with
bows and arrows and with wooden beams to defend their property and
families "because there hasn't been any police in this place for two

Paya is a community with 530 indigenous residents located in the
mountains of Pinogana and about 2 hours from the Colombian border. After
the attack, there was only 50 residents remaining in Paya. The rest of
the town was seeking refuge in the Boca de Cupe community or in the
nearby mountains. Pucuro, a close by village, was entirely abandoned by
its 20 residents. The paramilitaries arrived in Pucuro, burnt 5 houses
down, and after finding no residents assassinated Gilberto Vasquez, who
had been taken prisoner in Paya.

ACERCA/ASEJ received this action alert from The Kuna Youth
Indigenous Movement asking for international solidarity to conndemn the
violence of Plan Colombia that has contributed to this murder of
indigenous leaders in Panama. We translated the artilce from

What you can do?
1) Please circulate this article far and wide to inform people
of this violence of Plan Colombia leading to the death of 4 Kuna
Indigenous Leaders in Panama.
2) Stay tuned for follow-up messages and action alerts
3) Stop the violence in Colombia, by getting involved with the
March 23rd/24th Colombia Mobilization
( and the April 10th-15th Latin
American Solidarity Coalition (

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