
"Discover the New Era in Network Marketing--
Breakthrough Concept Creates Tidal Waves of Downline..."

>From the desk of Gary Bessoni April 1, 2003

Hi, CYPHER  this mail is for you personally. I realize it's
a standard template, but I'm in a rush. As soon as you READ
this message, you'll understand why I have no time to waste...

It's Gary Bessoni here with an extremely urgent message.

I'm writing today to invite you to take part in an exclusive
Pre-Launch for an astonishing, revolutionary company that is
destined to become the world's #1 in its segment, crushing its
competition within 90 to 120 days.

Quite a claim, huh? But I will back it up 100%, so read on...

TrafficOasis, the company I'm talking about, is the
brainchild of several well-known and proven network
marketing veterans. The company co-founder is none other
than multi-million-dollar marketer Fred Stege-a network
marketing leader who has built up thriving organizations with
a total sales force that is nearly 400,000 strong. Fred and his
associates are people who truly UNDERSTAND field demands
in this industry!

Given this crucial fact, you can understand my delight at the
news that Fred and his cohorts had created an opportunity of
global consequence. This will become huge with or without
you... (and with or without me).

TrafficOasis is very stable, reliable, and trustworthy. In
addition to amassing a huge financial reserve, its founders
possess a bedrock foundation of expertise-they have "been
there and done that," and they're prepared to share their
knowledge with the rest of us!

TrafficOasis, Inc. will deliver absolutely top-quality Pre-
Qualified MLM Leads. These leads are guaranteed top
segment, and-this is what makes it so special-they are
NON-SHARED, which means the leads are EXCLUSIVE
to their buyer! Nobody else will get the same lead shared.

(In addition to the unsurpassed quality of its leads,
TrafficOasis offers a stunning compensation plan
that will truly amaze you! Read on...)

Get Your INFO NOW!

<a href="http://r.mb00.net/s/c?1un.49ra.2.1m8a.2efrd";> AOL Click Here </a>

Now here's the exciting part: These leads are offered at
huge consortium discounts to make them affordable
for the masses-your downline(s)! If you are looking to
provide your downline with the GUARANTEED best
prospects out there, your search is over!

(And while we're on the subject of downlines, TrafficOasis
provides an awesome array of training and services for the
people you sponsor.)

The details are all on my website, so be sure to check it out as
soon as you've finished reading this e-mail.

If you want to find out more about this stunning concept,
you'll need to act immediately as a TEAM of heavy hitters
are bringing in mega heaps of people. The longer you
procrastinate, the less you'll benefit from these efforts!

<a href="http://r.mb00.net/s/c?1un.49ra.4.1m8a.2efrd";> AOL Click Here </a>

TrafficOasis will deliver unique training and all the tools
you'll need to create a Recruiting Power-House! They truly
cover all the bases. I've never seen anything so comprehensive!

Those who sign up now will benefit the most from the
company's global marketing. In a few days I will launch a
massive marketing campaign to build my downlines and yours.
Everyone will benefit greatly, but those who get in first
will benefit the most.

TrafficOasis's compensation plan has a REALISTIC
INCOME POTENTIAL to deliver five- and six-figure
incomes...MONTHLY! No Hype! Check it out for yourself.
This is a new and unique plan that has all the features needed
to generate an income of this magnitude.

TrafficOasis gets its unstoppable momentum from a timely
convergence of dominant forces that is destined to change
our industry forever. It seems almost unbelievable...yet it's
true. These guys know what to do in the MLM arena!

You can enroll NOW and invite others (your uplines and
downlines). You'll want to act immediately, because as I
mentioned earlier, a TEAM of heavy hitters are bringing in
mega heaps of people. The longer you procrastinate, the less
you'll benefit from these efforts!

Get Your INFO NOW!

<a href="http://r.mb00.net/s/c?1un.49ra.6.1m8a.2efrd";> AOL Click Here </a>

CYPHER  I know this is a lot of information to absorb all
at once. If you have any questions, e-mail me and I'll get
back to you right away.

Gary Bessoni


Would you like a sneak preview of TrafficOasis's
revolutionary compensation plan? I thought so!

Here it is in a nutshell:

The comp plan is based on five income phases. It's actually
quite simple, and you'll get used to it very quickly as soon as
you start working the plan...

But it is NEW to all of us at this point. When you try to
compare it with plans you already know, it may seem more
complex than it is! (-;

Let me explain this absolute BREAKTHROUGH system of

1. On every TrafficOasis Member you personally enroll,
you'll get a $20 enroller's bonus.

2. On every TrafficOasis member you personally enroll,
you'll get between $10.00 and $19.50 MONTHLY residual
income! (Will it be closer to $10.00 or $19.50? It depends on
where a particular enrollee is in the matrix AND what your
position is! But TRUST ME, it won't take long to reach

3. On every TrafficOasis Member your DOWNLINE enrolls
in the matrices, you'll earn $10.00. This is a very powerful
system, as with a bit of momentum it really rakes in quick
cash! To qualify for $10.00 per enrollment from your
downline, you'll need to personally enroll at least three
members. After enrolling three members, you are

(This system works better than a binary. I mean, look at a
binary: Most pay $50 per cycle: 2 sales left, 4 sales right,
totalling 6. Here, it does not matter where the sales are,
which generates more income: $10 per sale!)

4. On every member in your matrices, you earn between
$1.00 and $5.00 in extra residual monthly income. The
deeper the matrix, the bigger the amount. This matrix is a
3x5, which means: 1 - 3 - 9 - 27 - 81 - 243 (and after it has
been filled, you cycle in a new one at the next available spot
under your sponsor! This leaves no gaps!)

The $5.00 is on level 5, yielding 243 x $5 per matrix, and so
on. The $4.00 is on level 4, producing 81 x $4 in monthly
residual income.

Stripped to its bare essentials, this will generate $1526.25
monthly income per matrix, WHICH MEANS IN
PRACTICE $4.25 per member of your downline! Keep in
mind that this is just a part of the plan, and it's just 1 matrix
and many have RE-ENTRIES.

There are THREE POWERLINES which pay up to $4.50
in INFINITY. A staggering $4.50, my dear friend! That says
enough for people who know powerline payments. This is a
very profitable plan indeed.

In addition, it pays up to $60 per sold lead package to
someone you've enrolled personally! And TrafficOasis pays
up to $10 on downline sales!

This lead matrix alone produces FULL-TIME INCOMES!

Now what can YOU make with this plan? Well, I know that
some will go way over $10,000 per month. And with a bit of
luck or laser-focus dedication, some will triple that to earn
$30,000 per month. TrafficOasis certainly has the potential
for that level of compensation-that's GUARANTEED.
It depends on how we all market it. If we enroll strong
leadership, it will happen!

I know of people earning more than $5000 per month with a
plan that pays not even 25% of this plan, and it only runs 4.5
months! That's a FACT!

All the details are explained on my site, which is now open
for viewing. Check it out for yourself! This overview will
awaken the true hitter. This plan is balanced and it pays
quickly, and it also has plenty of endurance for the long term.
This is MLM at its best: it generates income for the newbies
and it pays a lot to the people who are serious. That's
EXACTLY how a plan should be. Don't you agree?

P.P.S. You may forward this pre-launch announcement to
leaders only. Don't take this one for granted, my friend.
You'll regret it a few days after launch!

If you want to find out more about this revolutionary plan,
you'll need to act immediately. The longer you put it off, the
less you'll earn!

<a href="http://r.mb00.net/s/c?1un.49ra.8.1m8a.2efrd";> AOL Click Here </a>

This business is truly something else. It is perfectly
positioned to become the professional's choice. Make sure
you're on top of it!

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