At 10:01 AM 1/3/05 -0500, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
>PBS: I, Cringely -- The Pulpit
>How to Build a Global Internet Tsunami Warning System in a Month

1. 150 K asians is nothing.
2. You will see > 10,000 K dead worldwide from the next H5N1 flu coming
your friendly local chinese duck/pig farmer.  In under 6 months, which
is the time it takes to make a vaccine.
3. Homebrew warning systems will face the same problems as eg pro
volcano warning systems: too many false alarms and no one cares.

You might do better educating the beachfolk that when the water recedes
and they can see the coral, they ought to stop gawking and run.

But, hey, its a cool project, have fun.

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