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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Bereishis 045: Yosef's Demonstration That He Was Mahul
Salomon Amar asks:
Kvod HaRabannim,
On the passuk that Yossef utter to his brothers "gesshu na elay"
Rashi Hakadosh quoting the midrach rabba that Yossef showed them that
he was Mahul?
(a) That may not prove that he was a  bene Yaakov as Ishmaelim did
the brit at the age of 13 and most importantly Yossef instituted that
anyone coming to get food would need to get mal (the brit) before.
(b) Chizkouni and the Kli Yakar mentioned that there was a difference
in the brit of bene Yaakov in a way that they had the  additional
pri'a. this contradict the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda in yevamot saying
that the pria was instituted with Yehoshua before entering EI on the
passuk "mol et bene Israel Chenit".
(c) I saw a pchat saying that there was a difference between mila
chadasha like the once done on the adult mitsrim and the mila yeshena
that was done on the 8th day on bene Yaakov. Yossef had a mila yeshena.
Please help me find the source for this if this is accurate.
Shlomo Amar 
The Kollel replies:
(a) The Mizrachi adds that the Bnei Keturah also had Milah, thus all
of Avraham's descendants had Milah. If so how does Milah prove that
Yosef was their brother. In addition, asks the Ramban, speaking
Hebrew was not a valid proof of family either, since the entire Eretz
Kna'an spoke that language.
The Mizrachi answers these two questions by proposing that the
combination of both having Milah and speaking the language of the
Avos led to only one possible conclusion, since Kna'anim didn't have
Milah and Bnei Keturah didn't speak Hebrew. 
(Your point about Yishmaelim having Milah might weaken his answer,
since Yishmaelim clearly passed through Eretz Kna'an, such as the
ones who bought Yosef. However, see the Sforno here who writes that
Yishmaelim passing through Kna'an did not speak Hebrew.)
As for the other Mitzrim having Milah - the commentaries all conclude
that since their Milah was a sign of subservience, Yosef certainly
would not have had a Milah if not for the familial connection.
(b) Your question on the Chizkuni (I couldn't find the Kli Yakar)
from Yevamos is valid. It would appear that he is following his own
opinion in Lech Lecha (17:25), that even though Avraham was not
commanded to perform Peri'ah he did it by himself since he knew it
would become a Mitzvah in later generations (and presumably his
children followed his ways).
(c) The explanation to which you are referring is that of the
Chizkuni himself, who writes (based on the Rashi in Lech Lecha 17:25
from the Midrash) that the older the person, the less necessary it
becomes to perform Peri'ah. When a person is older, the Peri'ah
membrane becomes looser and falls off on its own after the circumcision.
Based on this he suggests that since Yosef had Milah as a baby, his
Peri'ah had to be performed by knife. This made it noticeably
different from the Peri'ah of the Egyptians (which happened
spontaneously, without the use of a knife).
Best regards,
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf

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