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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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General: Meat and Milk

Yossi Loewy asked:

If one eats less thank a kezayis of meat and then wants to eat a milchig neal, 
is it allowed. (after rinsing his mouth)

Thank You very much!

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Yossi Loewy
The Kollel replies:

First of all, it must be stressed that the purpose of Kollel Iyun Hadaf is by 
no means to answer practical Halchic questions and all practical questions 
should be addressed to a competent local Rabbi.

However I did consult a leading Halachic authority in Yerushalayim about this 
question, and he answered that if one eats half a Kezayis of meat one may not 
eat milchig afterwards merely by relying on rinsing one's mouth, but one has to 
wait 6 hours in just the same way as when one eats a full Kezayis of meat.

One can cite a support for this from the Shulchan Aruch YD 89:1 that if someone 
chews meat to make it easier for a young child to eat it, he must wait 6 hours 
even though he did not swallow the meat at all.  The TAZ #1 writes that this is 
because of the meat stuck between the teeth. Even though presumably there is 
less than a Kezayis of meat stuck between the teeth, one is still required to 
wait 6 hours. 

I understand that behind your question lies the thinking that "Chatzi Shiur" - 
"half the amount" - is more lenient because it is not liable for lashes. (In 
fact this argument is not so strong because the Halachah follows Rebbi Yochanan 
in the Yoma 73b that even though it is exempt from Malkus nevertheless it still 
is a d'Oraisa prohibition). However the aforementioned Halachic authority 
pointed out that in fact our case is not an example of Chatzi Shiur anyway but 
is more severe. This is because the Gemara in Chulin 108b states that if one 
cooked up half a Kezayis of meat with half a Kezayis of milk one receives 
lashes for eating the result. Therefore in your case even if someone ate less 
than a Kezayis of meat, if he subsequently ate enough cheese to combine in 
total to a Kezayis, this would potentially involve Malkus if they had been 
cooked together (see Rashi Chulin 104b DH Matkif that the d'Oraisa prohibition 
is only if they were cooked together but mid'Rabanan they are !
den even if cold, and even if eaten one after the other). Therefore this is not 
an example of Chatzi Shiur, but rather of a complete Shiur.

D. Bloom

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