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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Megilah 013: Esther seeing Mordechai

AF asked:

Rashi says on Megilah 13b that Esther still had relations with Mordechai after 
she married Achashveirosh (until the feast). How was this possible? How did A. 
not find out?

The Kollel replies:

Your question is asked by the Ben Yehodaya, written by the author of Ben Ish 
Chai - Rabbi Yosef Chaim, zt'l, of Baghdad and he gives an answer based on the 
Kabalistic interpretations.

The Ben Yehodaya cites the Zohar and the Arizal, that in fact Esther herself 
did not have relations with Achashverosh, but instead there was a "Shidah" - a 
demon - who appeared instead of Esther whenever Achashverosh wanted to have 
relations with her.

The Ben Yehodaya writes that in fact Esther went miraculously from 
Achashverosh's palace to Mordechai's house so that nobody could see her (see 
also Tosfos below 15a DH k'Shem who writes that the reason Mordechai did not 
want to divorce Esther was because since one needs two witnesses in order to 
give a Get, Mordechai was afraid that this way the matter may become known to 
the king. One learns from Tosfos that Mordechai was trying to keep the whole 
thing quiet). One is forced to say that this miraculous journey was 
accomplished by uttering the explicit Name of Hashem.

[There is a source in Shas for this possibility of travelling distances by 
reciting Hashem's Name. See Gitin 89a where the Gemara states that we are not 
worried about Mamzerus. The Rosh (Kidushin 4:7) writes in the name of the Ba'al 
Halachos that this refers to a scenario where the husband went overseas and his 
wife had a baby. We are not concerned that the wife may have been unfaithful 
because we say instead that the husband may have come home quietly and had 
relations with her. There is a precedence for this in the Talmud Yerushalmi 
which states that Shmuel's father came home through uttering Hashem's Name, and 
had relations with his wife.]

When Esther saw that Achashverosh wanted to have relations her, she recited 
Hashem's name in order to bring the "Shidah" in her place. With the same Name 
of Hashem she also achieved another miracle simultaneously by enabling herself 
to disappear from everyone's sight. She could see others, but nobody could see 
her. This way she managed to escape to Mordechai's house.

Dovid Bloom

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