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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Sotah 021: Zechus for a Sotah
Ovaid <> asked:
(a) In sotah 21 we say that the zchus for the sotah can't be talmud torah since 
she is a eino m'tzuveh v'oseh and the schar is less. But the final answer of 
the gemara is that their zchus is helping their sons and husband in learning, 
but women aren't "chayev" in doing that either?
(b) In a unrelated question, what does it mean that they wait for their 
husbands? Is it for tashmish or does it mean that they wait for years untill 
they return (like Rochel for R' Akiva)?
Oak Park, MI 
The Kollel replies:
It is not the Zechus of helping her husband that saves the Sotah. After all, 
the Gemara writes hat only the Zechus of studying Torah can save a Sotah, not 
any other Zechuyos. Rather, it is the Zechus of their children's and husband's 
Torah-study that protects the Sotah. The reason that she is able to "share" 
their Zechus (which is Metzuvah v'Oseh) is because she makes a significant 
contribution to the furtherance of the Torah-study.
This is the conclusion of Ravina in our Gemara. We should note, however, that 
the Rambam (Hilchos Sotah 3:20) does record that women can be saved because of 
their own Torah-study, even though they are not Metzuvah v'Osah. The Meiri 
(20a) also records such an opinion. Rabbi Dovid Bloom delivered a very nice 
video lecture on the subject last Sunday, which is available from our site at 
www.dafyomi.co.il/shiurlist.htm (listed under Sotah 21).
(b) Rashi (Berachos 17a) explains that women are rewarded for giving their 
husbands "permission" to study Torah in distant locations. The reason the 
husbands need permission is because of the husband's nuptial obligations as 
recorded in the Kesuvah, such as Tashmish. (This also appears to be the 
intention of the Gemara in Kesuvos 62a, see Rashi Mahadura Kama as recorded in 
the Shitah Mekubetzes there).
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld

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