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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Sotah 037: Binyamin's merit to host the Shechinah

ike sultan asked:

Here (sotah37a) it says that because Binyamin was anxious to jump into the sea 
first he merited having the shechinah to rest in his plot of land. However in 
megilah 26a it says that since Binyamin was anxious to get a hold of the strip 
of land on the side of the mizbach that yehudah had the pasuk they use is 
“chofef alav kol hayom”. Which one is it? or is it just both?

ike sultan, west orange, NJ
The Kollel replies:

Notice that the Mesores ha'Shas already asks your Kashya, by subtly pointing to 
the Gemara in Yoma and in Zevachim, which concurs with the Sugya in Megilah 
that you cited.

The simple answer would be that those Gemaros go according to Rebbi Yehudah in 
our Gemara, who maintains that it was Yehudah who jumped into the Sea first, 
and not Binyamin.

I prefer that to saying that both reasons apply, because then the Gemara ought 
to have brought up the discrepancy and concluded 'Zeh v'Zeh Garmu', like it 
does in other places.

I subsequently discovered that, not only does the Torah Temimah (in Devarim 
33:12) mention this discrepancy, but he also points to other Medrashim, who 
give additional reasons as to why Binyamin merited to have the Shechinah in his 
portion, one of them, because he was not present at the sale of Yosef.

And he concludes that they are different Agados.

After writing the above, I was surprised to find a Metzudas David in Tehilim, 
commenting on the very same Pasuk as R. Meir discusses in the Gemara (68:28), 
cites Binyamin's reward as being that the first king came from them, concluding 
with the words 'Kein Amru Raboseinu'.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler

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