Dear Friends,

The Dafyomi Advancement Forum is happy to announce the start of a series of

Our inaugural lecture will be an in-depth Shiur, in English, entitled, "The
Shevu'ah: Genuine or Virtual Prohibition?" It will be given this Sunday,
February 16 (14 Adar I), at 5:00 PM Israel time by the renowned Ga'on, HaRav
Dov Zupnik, shlit'a, of Yerushalayim.

This inaugural Shiur will be open to all. It will be interactive --
participants may ask questions during the Shiur. To join the Shiur, visit .

D.A.F. plans to present, b'Ezras Hashem, a series of bi-weekly,
general-interest Shiurim. These lectures will consist of in-depth analyses
of the Daf ha'Yomi (such as the present Shiur), or historical and
archaeological perspectives on the material discussed in the daily Daf.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Dafyomi Advancement Forum

The *D*AFYOMI *A*DVANCEMENT *F*ORUM, brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf

Write to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit us at
Fax(US): (253) 550-4578; Fax(Isr): (02) 652-2633; Tel(Isr): (02) 651-5004

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