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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Mefaresh bi'Gemara vs. bi'Gemara Mefaresh
Mark Duman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

Is there any significance in the Gemoro of the order when Rashi says "the
GM explains" or "later explains" versus "explains the GM" or "explains later".

Kol tuv
Mark Duman
The Kollel replies:

That, I suppose, is the million dollar question. I doubt that much has been
*written* about the subject, but every student has probably conjectured
about it at some point.

Well, a quick look at a selection of Rashi's comments (using a database)
shows that "Mefaresh bi'Gemara" seems to be in the majority. (I am not
relating to cases where Rashi mentions these words at the *end* of a
sentence, i.e. "kid'Mefaresh bi'Gemara," since in such a situation there
obviously is no alternative.) 

Here's my suggestion: In general, it looks as though Rashi used Mb'G when
those two words sufficed; i.e. when he was not quoting any of the Gemara's
commentary on the matter, and when he did not have to detail *what* will be
explained in the Gemara. On the other hand, when he quoted part of the
Gemara's explanation, or when he added a modifier to the sentence, b'GM
prevails. (Examples of the latter are when Rashi adds "b'GM *Lah*" --
meaning the word will be translated -- or when he writes "b'GM *Mai
Ka'amar*" or "b'GM Mai Beinaihu etc.")

The exception, which I have no idea how or if to approach, is when Rashi
adds the modifier "Ta'ama", in which case he may write "Mb'G Ta'ama" or
"Ta'ama Mb'G" or "M Ta'ama b'G" or "b'GM Ta'ama" or even Ta'ama b'GM."

This accounts for most of the appearances of these expression in Rashi.
(For example, of the 23 times I found the expressions in Maseches Shevuos,
there is only a single exception each for Mb'G (Shevuos 14a DH uvi'Shetei)
and for b'GM (Shevuos 35a DH Metzaveh).) The rules seem to perform equally
well on other Masechtos. Taking into account Girsa variations, that's not
too bad!

Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld

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