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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Zevachim 028: Unspoken Pigul 

>> Arnon Kaplan asked:
... The Machshava of the Kohen renders the korban posul. However, if the
Kohen was so unscrupulous to have these machshovas in the first place why
should he reveal his true kavonahs to the participants! [baalim]
In other words how would the baalim ever know if their korban was posul or
not without the Kohen revealing his true kavanah!<<

>> The Kollel replied:
Machshavos of Kodashim need to be spoken in order to be effective (see
Insights to Zevachim 2a). Therefore, it is possible that the Kohen's  words
were overheard....<<

Arnon Kaplan asks:

Your answer is only true according to Rashi. However most others including
the Rambam do not require Dibur. So the question returns.

The Kollel replies:

According to those who do not require Dibur for the thought to render the
Korban invalid, the only way to know that there was an invalidating thought
is if the Kohen admits to having either malicious or unmalicious intent.

D. Zupnik

(We are not concerned that the Kohen will not tell about what he thought,
because if he did it by accident, then he certainly will tell so that the
owner will be able to bring the proper Korban. If he did it willfully, then
he also will certainly tell, because his purpose in disqualifying the
Korban was to cause the owner a loss, as stated by the RASHBAM in Pesachim
121a, DH Mishum. (If you are concerned about the unfairness of a situation
in which a Kohen who is so wicked that he will purposely disqualify a
person's Korban without informing anyone, then this is a concern which
applies to all areas of the Torah and not just to Pigul.) See comments at
the end of the other Daf-Discuss responses on this topic. -Y. Shaw)

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