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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Menachos 044: Chilazon after the Mikdash was destroyed
Moshe Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

The Kollel wrote in their Insights the following:
>>The YESHU'OS MALKO (#1) points out that it is written in the Sifri
>>(Parshas v'Zos ha'Berachah), as well as in the teachings of the Arizal,
>>that Techeles can be present only when there is a Beis ha'Mikdash."<<

There can't be such a Midrash or Arizal! You yourselves quoted earlier that
the Amora'im still had Techeles, as is evident from the Gemara on 42b,
where Abaye discusses the dyeing process with someone who apparently was
still dyeing Teceheles!

Moshe Kaplan, Jerusalem Israel
The Kollel replies:

The Sifri is #354, in a discussion of the Berachah of Zevulun. It discusses
how Rebbi Yosi met someone who made a living from Techeles, and Rebbi Yosi
expressed dismay that Techeles was still to be had. The person explained to
Rebbi Yosi that the Chilazon is available, but only in a specific hidden
location, and when it tries to leave that location it is stung by a spider
and dies. Rebbi Yosi concludes, "It is evident that the Techeles has been
hidden away [i.e. and it is to be revealed only when Hashem redeems His
people]". The Arizal is in Kavanos, Inyan ha'Tzitzis, Derush #4; he
explains (according to Kabalah) why the Techeles of Tzitzis was available
during the times of the Beis ha'Mikdash but not today, connecting it to the
Tzitz that the Kohen Gadol wore. 

The Yeshu'os Malko actually addresses the problem you raised. As I
understand it, his explanation is that after the Churban the Techeles was
only available with Mesiras Nefesh. (He adds that at one point the Amora'im
tried to get Techeles with Mesiras Nefesh -- because of the opinion of
Rebbi, 38a, who he understands to be saying that one does not fulfill the
Mitzvah of Lavan without Techeles. Later, they decided that the opinion of
Rebbi was not Halachic, and they gave up on trying to get Techeles.) So
only when there is a Mikdash is it readily available and used by everyone.
Until it will be rebuilt, it will presumably remain "Nignaz."

Of course, another interpretation of the current events is that Hashem is
preparing us for the rebuilding of the Mikdash... Nizkeh v'Nichyeh v'Nir'eh!
Best wishes,
M. Kornfeld

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