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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Makos 020: Removing hair on Shabbos

XON8 asked:

In Makos, it says:

(j) Support (Beraisa): One who shaves the length of a scissors blade on
Shabbos is liable - this is two hairs;
(k) R. Eliezer says, he is liable for one hair. 
1. Chachamim admit, one is liable for removing a single white hair among
black ones (because this is important to him);
2. Men are forbidden to do so even on a weekday - "V'Lo Yilbash Gever
Simlas Ishah" (do not adorn yourself like a woman). (Rambam - he is lashed
even for one hair; Ra'avad - it is forbidden only if he removes enough to
make a recognizable difference; Ritva - our Tana holds that this is only
forbidden mid'Rabanan on account of "Simlas Ishah").
This is fine.  However, shouldn't he also be chayav for doing it on shabbat
because of "Borer" (that you aren't allowed to separate the bad from good
on shabbat) - here is is taking a white hair from the groups of black.
This is assur also!

The Kollel replies:

The Melachah of Borer is considered a Tikun in the remaining good,
desirable objects, in that the remainder becomes more usable since the bad
was removed. See Or Same'ach (Hilchos Shabbos 8:11), who says that for this
reason there is Borer only when the remainder is used together; in
contrast, there is no Borer for Kelim (utensils) which are used
individually. (Not all Poskim accept this reasoning.)

Therefore, in the cae of hairs, one is not improving the remaining black
hairs for they are not for use anyway. One merely wants to do away with the
white hair. Although it is among the black, it still is not Borer.

It is also possible that since each hair is connected individually to the
body, it is not considered a mixture (Ta'aruves) which is neccesary to have
before there is a problem of Borer. This is my suggestion, but I would not
rely on it l'Halachah.

D. Zupnik

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