darcs devel community dura-link v1.0.0

A few times now I've seen people write that the darcs revision control system 
is hobbled by being written in an obscure language (Haskell) and thus depriving 
itself of contributors. However it appears to be the case that darcs enjoys a 
large and active community of contributors -- at least as large and active, and 
possibly more so, than the other Free Software revision control tools [1].

Not all of these contributors are fluent in Haskell. Those who aren't do things 
like integration with other tools (Tailor [2], Trac+Darcs+Bazaar-NG [3]), 
add-on tools (darcs.cgi, darcsweb, a patch-dependency grapher, a xml-to-ascii 
translator for annotate results), unit tests (written in bash and Perl), 
testing and bug reporting.

To get an idea of the current development community around darcs, look at the 
darcs-devel mailing list or the issue tracker.


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