Two comments (and another plea to do things the unix way):

1.  For the last couple of years that I've been tracking darcs, I've seen new
users request this change many times.  I haven't counted, but it appears that
new users are going to continue to ask for this.

2.  In many cases, those new users have encountered a problem where some tool
was automatically processing the _darcs directory as though it contained data
instead of metadata.  For example, the most recent case was that Eclipse was
compiling the source files inside _darcs, IIRC.  I myself have had this problem
on more than one occasion when using recursive unix commands such as a
"dos-to-unix-line-endings fixer".

2.a.  Of course, when this kind of problem occurs, we can always explain what
happened and suggest a work-around to make that tool stop doing that thing.  But
then a month later a different user, possibly using a different tool, encounters
the same kind of problem.

I think we should go with the unix tradition of using a leading dot to signal
that the directory contains metadata which is managed by a specific program, or
contains configuration files.

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