Hi Ben (and others),

sorry for being missing-in-action for so long, The combined effect of
end-of-year celebrations and summer holidays (here in the south
hemisphere) removed me from darcs development for a long time. Next
week I'll be able to come back to working on it.

I think we can aim at finishing darcs 2.10 by end of February. In
november and december Ganesh and I worked on patch index memory use,
which finally became acceptable.

Fortunately we don't have a big divergence between screened, reviewed
and branch-2.10.

I saw there was work on encoding, and on the flag system, which are
topics for which I'm not an expert. Can you see if you can
(self-)accept patches related to these topics?

Here is the list of open bugs for 2.10:   http://tinyurl.com/nay7jq4

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