
trying to minimize a shell code I found an unobvious moment with heredocs and 

Is it specified by POSIX how next code should be parsed? dash output for this 
code differs from bash and zsh.

--- code
prefix() { sed -e "s/^/$1:/"; }
DASH_CODE() { :; }

prefix A <<XXX && echo "$(prefix B <<XXX
echo line 1
echo line 2)" && prefix DASH_CODE <<DASH_CODE
echo line 3
echo line 4)"
echo line 5

--- bash 4.3.42 output:
A:echo line 3
B:echo line 1
line 2
DASH_CODE:echo line 4)"
DASH_CODE:echo line 5

--- dash 0.5.8 output:
A:echo line 1
B:echo line 2)" && prefix DASH_CODE <<DASH_CODE
B:echo line 3
line 4
line 5

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