Harald van Dijk <har...@gigawatt.nl> wrote:
> To be honest, I'm getting confused now.
> I knew that the output of GPL programs is not generally covered by the 
> GPL itself. And that's all that COPYING says:
>  "mksignames.c:
>   This file is not directly linked with dash.  However, its output is."
> But about the not "generally" covered: as mentioned on 
> <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-faq.en.html#WhatCaseIsOutputGPL>,
> if the output includes part of the GPL-licensed code, then the output is 
> GPL-licensed as well. And admittedly, signames.c does contain part of 
> mksignames.c.
> It seems unclear to packagers, at any rate:
> Fedora and Gentoo say dash is BSD-licensed. MacPorts lists it as GPL-2+.

Yes there is this as well as part of src/bltin/test.c that contains
GPL code.  However, they're small and easy to remove/rewrite.

So I'd prefer not to add any more GPL code if possible.

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