> wrong place to be asking, I apologize. Anyway, I have a some code 
> athttp://gist.github.com/45488to explain what I'm trying to do, but
> essentially what I'd like is to have a base model, then have any model
> that extends it to have its own table. I have looked unsuccessfully
> for a 'native' feature, so I am reasonably convinced that I will have
> to build something by hand. My question is, what would be the best way
> to go about this? Is this a feature that might show up in future?

What you want to do is really simple using a Module to define the
properties and then including that module inside each Model that needs
it, like this:


I often use this approach to define common properties (like :id,
created_at, :updated_at, etc) in a Base module, which I include in all
of the Models in my project.

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