hi dan
this has been constant grief for me... first half of my 1 or 2 days a 
fortnight of merb and datamapper ness are oft spent screwing round with 
gems, so big thanks for taking an interest in it. Bundling in merb seems 
to have mitigated issues a bit.

For me the recurring dreaded message is along the lines of "Can't 
activate #{gem-name} A.B.C, A.B.D all ready activated".

I'm not sure what this is about, and i"ll confess i haven't pushed hard 
to find out wtf is going on I normally beat things into submission, 
sometime by fiddling the dependency.rb, sometimes uninstalling and 
re-installing gems. - but doing so in ignorance. The difficult thing is, 
that I can leave something working, when i get back to it, often days 
later (possibly if i've been looking at other merb/dm apps of github), 
the process starts  over.

Sorry I can't offer anything more precise at this stage - next time it 
happens I'll slow down, take notes and forward the specifics.

Thanks for the time you put into DM,  I love it.

Dan Kubb (dkubb) wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've seen a few tweets and blog posts over the last few months talking
> about Merb and DataMapper, and how dealing with gems are a dependency
> nightmare.
> I don't doubt it is a problem in some cases, but I want to learn why,
> and see if there's a way to resolve it.. or at the very least lessen
> the problem.
> Can anyone provide some specific examples where this has been a
> problem for you?  Any other feedback or ideas?
> --
> Thanks,
> Dan
> (dkubb)
> >

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