I'm writing a backend for my iPhone app in Sinatra (ruby), using datamapper 
as my ORM. I have two models that have a many-to-many relationship:

*class Player*
*  include DataMapper::Resource*
*  property :id, Serial*
*  has n, :leagues, :through => Resource*
*class League*
*  include DataMapper::Resource*
*  property :id, Serial*
*  has n, :players, :through => Resource*

And the join table is created automatically for me upon the execution of:


However, I need to add an extra field to the join table 'is_referee'. I 
tried to reopen the LeaguePlayers class in Sinatra, and just the field like 

*class LeaguePlayers*
*  include DataMapper::Resource*
*  property :is_referee, Boolean, :default => false*

before I executed finalize & auto_upgrade!, but then datamapper yelled at 
me for not giving LeaguePlayers a primary key, so I just added in:

*  property :id, Serial*

hoping it would all work out, but now I'm getting an error that doesn't 
give me any clear direction to go in:

*dm-do-adapter.rb:70:in `execute_non_query': Cannot add a NOT NULL column 
with default value NULL (DataObjects::SyntaxError)*
I'm new to ORMs in general. Could someone let me know how to create this 
join table field, and, afterwards how to query it? 


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