On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, at 02:24 PM, Antonios Christofides wrote:

Dave Rolsky wrote:

>How exciting.  I figured I might as well just pick something, and so I
>picked Monday.  There were a lot of excellent candidates, and Friday's
>performance was excellent, but overall Monday best exemplified the
>qualities that I look for in a week-starter.

No objection, and no "buts". But :-) since the discussion is getting
real fun with all those Romans, Mayas, Chinese, and so on, I think I'll
go on.

[snip of interesting info about Greek/Christian origins of English/European day names]

Aren't you going to do the same? (I'm just asking.) Isn't "weekend" the
week end? Don't you feel that a cycle begins on the first working day of
the week?

The bottom line: Surely people all over the world do begin their diet on
I come at the "first day of the week" issue somewhat differently: my applications produce the many bits of information needed for creating visual calendars, i.e., for print, HTML, and other visual formats for human use.

So for a given date I have to calculate a start-of-week for the visual layout as well as the appropriate start-of-week based on work-week, sacred tradition, tide-chart (for many here in Santa Cruz the cultural definition of 'work week' depends on surf conditions...), etc.

In the U.S., most printed calendar _layouts_ have weeks starting with Sunday.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Because I've done some calendars that _don't_ have the typical (U.S) Sun-Sat week layout, my calendar-generating module is agnostic with respect to start-of-week, although it defaults to Sun-Sat weeks for convenience. The main thing is that it has to know what day-of-week *number* to use when setting its layout-start-of-week *day*.

That's why I don't need the day-of-week number to be a 0-based index -- that just assumes that I want the zero-indexed value for the first day.

Dave has announced that Monday has day-of-week number 1. That's all I need to know.

- Bruce


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