I'm not sure what you mean by 'local DIE handlers'. Are you talking about defining a local $SIG{__DIE__} ?

I've been out of perl for a couple of years, but surely you should just use eval{} ?

$dt = eval { $parser->parse( $input );};

if( $@ ){

   echo "Unable to parse your date ($input)\n";



echo "Your date is $dt\n";

- Rick

On 3/07/2017 17:49, Binarus wrote:
On 02.07.2017 22:02, Eric Brine wrote:
`eval BLOCK` is very different `eval EXPR`.

The latter involves the need to generate Perl code, and ask the related
risks. That's not the case for the former, which is the right tool for
the job here.

Thank you very much for your answer. I have decided to solve my problem
by using a block eval, probably with a local DIE handler added in the
block (but still thinking about whether this is necessary - I won't use
other DIE handlers and don't need to "catch errors" at any other places).



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