Shortly available from all good CPAN mirrors:

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Time-OlsonTZ-Data-0.201702.tar.gz
  size: 721268 bytes
   md5: e60e2f96eb2c2d501fb4468e5ec8d379
  sha1: 8cd2303725b607db99487b31cd934122ef10bd93

Changes from the previous release:

  * Olson database version 2017b (code 2017b, data 2017b): 386 canonical
    zones, 208 links

  * in prebuild, remove implicit . from @INC, for security

  * in prebuild, work with new PD-with-stated-exceptions notice in the new
    LICENSE file, and new form of copyright notices that lack the ASCII
    rendition of the copyright symbol, and copy all files from the Olson
    distribution that are not listed exceptions or marked as copyrighted

  * no longer include a Makefile.PL in the distribution

  * in prebuild, declare required Perl version

  * correct copyright notice in prebuild


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