Have you noticed that tomorrow (or today for people living in Australia,
NZ, Japan and similar countries), the date is
20200202 when using the YYYYMMDD format
02022020 when using either the DDMMYYYY format or the MMDDYYYY format

So Sunday 2nd February is a palindrome date!

Also, yesterday I have released to CPAN6 the version 0.0.3
of the raku module Date::Calendar::Hebrew.

-- The Github repository has been renamed with a "raku-" prefix instead
of "p6-".
-- Some fixes to the day names and month names (still in the Latin
-- The "strftime" method is now automatically available.
-- Possibility to display the dates with a format based on the week
number and similar to the "ISO Date",

Thank you for your attention.

Jean Forget
JFORGET at CPAN dot org

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