On 10-Jul-2001 DOLIST Technical Center wrote:
> Hello,
> We have several thousand accounts that are stored in base and when we
> create a new one, we have done a small batch job that stop Xmail,
> delete mailuser.tab, delete .IDX files, use MKusers to process all
> accounts against base, then restart Xmail.
> Now we would like multiforward accounts, so we need "M" type accounts,
> but they are not supported by mkusers. So we can add it at the end of
> the batch job process automatically to mailusers.tab BUT,
> mailusers.tab as unique number for each entry...
> Any idea to bypass this, or to solve this. What is the result if this
> number is for example 10000, then 10001, etc... far from the last "U"
> type account?

Sounds OK, no problem.
Sorry but why don't You use the CTRL protocol to create a single user ?
I can understand MkUsers for massive account creating, not for a single one.

- Davide

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