Not exactly sure what you're trying to do... but I'll state some thoughts.

   1.  The inBufs and outBufs arguments to process() are an array of buffers - 
up to XDM_MAX_IO_BUFFERS (16).  So, if you own the application, and the codec, 
you can utilize the existing VISA APIs to pass multiple buffers in and out.
   2.  Note that, from the codec side, inBufs are read-only, and outBufs are 
write-only.  Writing into the inBufs will cause cache coherency issues if the 
DSP cache is enabled.
   3.  Regarding your comment here:

> It's just like:
> retVal = fxns->process(alg, inBuf, outBuf,inArgs,
> outArgs);

You're close, but there's more.  It's _actually_ more like fxns->algActivate(), 
fxns->process(), fxns->algDeactivate().  Perhaps a subtle difference, but an 
xDAIS detail worth mentioning.

(And for good measure, when dealing with 'remote' codecs, there's more that the 
VISA APIs buy you - including cache maintenance and address translation between 
the processors.)


> -----Original Message-----
> ] On Behalf Of Sz Lian Yu
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 12:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: How the XDM algorithm does 2 inputs?
> Based on the VISA's rule , 
> it's the single input and single output format.
> It's just like:
> retVal = fxns->process(alg, inBuf, outBuf,inArgs,
> outArgs);
> But , I would like to do the process for the current
> frame and its prior one.
> In other words , it's the 2 input and 1 output
> algorithm.
> How do i make it?
> Could someone give me a hint?
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