I think you're on the right track, but I still don't have it working.
I'll keep working on this issue and I'm checking with some others in TI
to see if they can shed any light on this.  I'll let you know if I make
any progress.


From: BJ Opp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 9:31 AM
To: Friedland, David;
Subject: RE: Automounting USB Sticks

I've also been fighting with automounting a usb flash drive without much
success.  We've been trying to use udev by adding this line to fstab

/dev/sda1          /mnt/usbflash     auto      auto,user           0


And also adding this to a rules a file we created in in
/etc/udev/rules.d/ by the name of 99-mount.rules


SUBSYSTEM=="block", SYSFS{manufacturer}=="LEXAR", RUN+="/bin/mount -a"


For this line I've also tried different device types such as BUS=="usb"
but still nothing.  I know my fstab entry is correct because after
logging in I can do a "mount -a" and the drive will get mounted.  Any
ideas? Thanks



Behalf Of Friedland, David
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: Automounting USB Sticks


I'm wondering if anyone has tackled the issue of having a USB flash
drive automatically mount to the file system when it is inserted?
I can do this manually easily enough by: 

mkdir /mnt/usbflash
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbflash 

To make this mount occur automatically, I believe that I need to use
autofs to do this, but if that's wrong I'd like to know.
Using autofs, here is what I did...

I inserted the following into /etc/auto.master: 
  /mnt/usbflash   /etc/auto.usbflash --timeout=30 --ghost

I inserted the following into /etc/auto.usbflash:
  usbflash        -fstype=auto,sync       :/dev/sda1

I then:
mkdir /mnt/usbflash
/etc/init.d/autofs restart 

and this appeared to work.  But for some reason, the directory
/mnt/usbflash is then deleted.  And inserting the USB stick does not
force an automatic mount. 

Any suggestions?

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