This is Engine_open() failing - 0x80008013 often indicates a memory map
mismatch between the DSP image and your application.


        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 4:30 AM
        Subject: FW: GStreamer issue on DaVinci board 


        Hello All,

        I am getting Process_create failed error messages when running

        I am usjng MPEG4combo.x64p as codec server.


        Error messages are:

        [EXECUTED COMMAND: gst-launch-0.10 --gst-debug-level=0 filesrc
location=sample_mpeg4.mp4 !  gdecoder Codec=1 ! ffmpegcolorspace !
ffenc_wmv2 ! ffmux_asf ! filesink location=sample3.avi]
        Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
        Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
        gdecoder: plugin_init BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_base_init BEGIN...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_base_init END...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_class_init BEGIN...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_codec_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_codec_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_class_init END...
        gdecoder: plugin_init END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_init BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_reset BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_reset END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_init END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_set_property BEGIN...2..
        gdecoder: set ARG_CODEC_NAME property
        gdecoder: Codec set to enum value 1
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_set_property END...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_getcaps invoked and call
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state BEGIN..
        gdecoder: State Changed from NULL_TO_READY
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state BEGIN..
        gdecoder: State Changed from READY_TO_PAUSED
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_activate invoked
        gdecoder: STREAMING IS FALSE
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_activate_pull BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_activate_pull END...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_loop BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_process BEGIN....0...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_decoder_initialize BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_open_engine BEGIN..
        gdecoder: Opening MPEG4 Engine...
        @0x000cf336:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_create_d> Loading and
starting DSP server FAILED, status=[0x80008013]
        @0x000cf47d:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_delete_d> Closing remote
transport FAILED, status=0x8000800b.
        @0x000cf5c1:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_delete_d> Stopping DSP
FAILED, status=0x8000801b
        @0x000cff10:[T:0x41238b60] CE - rserverOpen: can't start
'./MPEG4Combo.x64P'; Process_create failed
        gdecoder: Engine_open failed
        gdecoder: Engine_open failed
        gdecoder: Fatal error, Open_Engine failed
        gdecoder: Could Not Initialize Decoder
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_loop END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_loop BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_process BEGIN....0...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_decoder_initialize BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_open_engine BEGIN..
        gdecoder: Opening MPEG4 Engine...
        ERROR: from element /pipeline0/gdecoder0: Could not write to
        Additional debug info:
        gstgdecoder.c(971): gst_gdecoder_process ():
        Could Not Initialize Decoder
        ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
        Setting pipeline to NULL ...
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_activate_pull BEGIN..
        @0x000e314e:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_create_d> Loading and
starting DSP server FAILED, status=[0x80008013]
        @0x000e3268:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_delete_d> Closing remote
transport FAILED, status=0x8000800b.
        @0x000e33a7:[T:0x41a38b60] OP - Process_delete_d> Stopping DSP
FAILED, status=0x8000801b
        @0x000e3cf0:[T:0x41238b60] CE - rserverOpen: can't start
'./MPEG4Combo.x64P'; Process_create failed
        gdecoder: Engine_open failed
        gdecoder: Engine_open failed
        gdecoder: Fatal error, Open_Engine failed
        gdecoder: Could Not Initialize Decoder
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_loop END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_sink_activate_pull END...
        gdecoder: State Changed from PAUSED_TO_READY
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state END..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type Begin
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_get_type End
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_change_state BEGIN..
        gdecoder: gst_gdecoder_cleanup BEGIN..
        Caught SIGSEGV accessing address (nil)
        #0  0x402b504c in ?? ()
        Spinning.  Please run 'gdb gst-launch 1700' to continue
debugging, Ctrl-C to quit, or Ctrl-\ to dump core.
        Caught interrupt -- 

        If any one of you has got same error kindly help me in resolving
above error.


        Waiting for response.





        Ext: 864



        From: Jain, Jitendra [PROTOOL/RTC/INPU] 
        Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:07 AM
        Subject: GStreamer issue on DaVinci board 



        Hello All,

        I am facing issue in GStreamer on DaVinci dm6446 target board.

        Here's what we've done so far:

        1.      The environment we're using is Fedora Core 5 Linux from
Red Hat. 
        2.      GStreamer version we're using is 0.10.17 
        3.      Codec servers we tried were the default that came with
the TI plugins (MPEG4Combo from executable MPEG4Combo.x64P), decodeCombo
(from executable decodeCombo.x64P, mod MPEG4DEC) and video_copy (from
executable video_copy.x64P, mod VIDDEC_COPY). The first one gives
contiguous memory allocation errors (presumably due to memory map
mismatch between the codec servers and the target platform), the second
one hangs and the third one returns error (error code -1 ) for
VIDDEC_Control API call. 
        4.      The sample files we used were some generic MPEG4 files
downloaded from the web. The TI supplied data files were huge, so we
thought we'll start with something manageable and small. Also, these
files were decoded successfully using FFMPEG on DaVinci (albeit not
using the TI codecs). 
        5.      The code changes that were made were primarily
configuration changes for building libce (for using different codec
servers) and adding debug statements in the application code file
(gdecoder.c from the ti_plugins directory under ti_build). Experiments
were done to comment out certain parts of the code that were returning
error and substituting with some trial alternatives. Also, we tried
rebuilding cmem upon finding a post from a TI engineer on the DaVinci
blog site that cmem has an issue when allocating contiguous memory
buffers. He had supplied the substitute code too. In fact, this did help
in eliminating the contiguous memory allocation errors we were getting.
We also played with the memory map 

        Also I am attaching with this mail log of error messages.

        Kindly let us know if anything wrong we have configured or
changes required solving our issue in GStreamer.

        Thanking you in advance.





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